Saturday, May 5, 2012

Run Your Own Race

I attended the volunteer orientation today for ACE Fitchburg, the shelter where we adopted to Roxy. I am eager to be able to help the dogs that are there. I had several people tell me they didn't think they could volunteer; it would be too hard. I look at it as a way to bring joy to the dogs for a few hours each day. (And oh, bring joy to my life too). Someone posted to a previous blog that it is the simple things in life that are important. How many times have I heard that? I have, at certain times during my life, understood that quote. Then something changes and I willingly step into the gerbal wheel and keep running and running. I've made some huge changes in my life over the last eight months. The biggest change one was to consciously step out of wheel and run my own race. Today I ran my own race. It's a great feeling, kind of like the feeling I had after I ran my first 5K. It wasn't the adreneline rush but rather a feeling of contentment and smiling more. It is the ability to see and appreciate the simple things. My race today included: volunteering, stopping to take pictures of beautiful wisteria and a silly Alpaca (I think that is what is was), and then playing with Roxy. No one thing took very long but the enjoyment was amazing. The simple things are all around us. We just have to step out of the wheel to see them. Here are two of my simple things for today.


  1. That alpaca looks like he is sporting an attitude!
    Llove what you said about volunteering at a shelter yes... it can be hard but mostly it's a great feeling. I also true truly believe something is better than nothing.

  2. I also believe something is better than nothing. We all need human contact. To see thier tails wag just makes me smile. As for the alpaca, I don't know much about them. I can tell you it was very funny when I looked at him, raised my camera and it looked right at me and "flipped" its ears up. It was almost like it had a switch. :)
